Friday 8 June 2007

Hockney, David (1937-)

An stupendous British painter, draughtsman, printmaker, photographer and designer who studied at the Royal College of Art where he was a prize winner and went on to achieve International fame before he was in his mid twenties.

His early paintings were technically as a leading Pop Artist. Although he rejected this title he was nevertheless outstanding in this field and, alongside Richard Hamilton, is considered by many to be the instigator of the Pop movement in England.

His paintings were not solely confined to Pop Art, he later turned to a more traditional form and painted some remarkable portraits.

Painting is not his only forte, he is equally successful as a graphic artist producing works such as the illustrations to "Six Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm" and as a Stage Designer with set and costume designs for Mozart's "The Magic Flute" amongst others.

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